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Beginning to implement the plan to use large linguistic models (LLMs) for screening and patient selection in clinical trials (RCTs).

  The Farzan Artificial Intelligence Team (FAIT) has started implementing a research project on the use of large language models (LLM) for patient screening and selection in randomised clinical trials (RCT). In this project, approximately 167,000 patients will be screened and evaluated using large language models to determine the function of the models in patient screening and selection. In the continuation of this plan, efforts


New version of Farzan Clinical Research English website

Farzan Clinical Research Organization has started its work since 2008. This center is the first Iranian clinical research organization. Clinical research organizations (CROs) are contractors for drug studies, clinical trials (including phases 1 to 4 of clinical trials), and registry and epidemiologic studies for pharmaceutical companies. Farzan Clinical Research Organization is approved by the Food and Drug Organization. The major research and business partners of


The multimedia and online training content of “Every House is a Health Centre”, including 22 training courses, was presented.

  “Multimedia training courses of every house is a health base” is a set of 22 training courses, consisting of 100 hours, online in the form of multimedia training courses, short training videos and special tests for each course. s The target group is family health ambassadors. This program has been approved by the Ministry of Health and is used by medical universities in the


The Fitasa application was approved by the Ministry of Health and was introduced to medical universities for use.

  According to current estimates, around 60% of people are sedentary. The Non-Communicable Diseases Control Centre of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education has introduced the mobile application “Fitasa: Physical Activity and Smart Fitness” to medical universities for introduction and use by the general public. Based on this, Fitasa will be introduced to the public by the universities of medical sciences. Now, the


The smart smoking cessation program (Doodbas) was included in the guideline for Tehran Municipality’s Anti-Tobacco Week.

The Smart Smoking Cessation Program (Doodbas) has been officially included in the guidelines for the Tehran Anti-Tobacco Week. The week of fighting tobacco is held every year in June, during which anti-tobacco campaigns are carried out in cooperation with various institutions. Previously, in February 2018, the implementation of the pilot program of the smoking cessation smart program was approved by the Tehran Council of the


Approval of Farzan Institute as a knowledge-based ‘export’ company by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Following the evaluation and audit conducted by the Presidential Science and Technology Deputy, the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development was confirmed as an ‘Export-Based Knowledge Company’ in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The institute is particularly active in the field of smart health and clinical research. Last year, the qualification of Farzan Institute as a “Knowledge-Based Industrial Production Company”


The release of 5 mobile applications by Farzan Institute at App Store in the last month.

  In the last month, 5 of the institution’s mobile health applications have been launched in Cafe Bazaar app store. These applications include child development, mental health, healthy heart, diabetes and smoking cessation applications. The features of the applications are as follows: 1. A roadmap with a series of stations to guide the user. 2. Assessment and intelligent feedback to the user 3. Remote advice


The qualification of the Farzan Institute for Health Education has been approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organisation.

In addition to the renewal of the Institute’s license, the qualification of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development for the in-service training of government employees in the field of health was once again approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organization. Since 2013, Farzan Institute has been licensed to train government employees in the field of health. So far, this institution has organised


Launch of the new version of the “Hooma: Smart Health Care” system for registration and management of health information

“Hooma; “Intelligent health care” including new and innovative advanced facilities was unveiled. This system is one of the set of digital health software systems that is offered by Farzan Institute under the brand “Salemsa: Smart Health” and it consists of 14 software systems and 7 mobile applications. So far, tens of thousands of people have entered their data in this system. Hooma is a smart


Attendance of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology at the First International Digital Health Event (THL)

Farzan Institute attended at the first international digital health event by presenting its products and services in the field of smart health. In this event that was held by attending startup managers as well as a group of governmental managers, Farzan Institute introduced a collection of software called “Salemsa: Smart Health”. Moreover, for the first time, Farzan Institute unveiled an application of “Healthy Heart” and


Introducing Farzan Institute Achievements in Smart Health Services at Women’s and Family Health Congress

Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology presented its achievements in smart health by taking a booth next to the second congress of Women’s and Family Health. This Congress was held by the Iranian Association of Midwifery and with the presence of 2000 people on 1-3 August this year in the conference hall of Tehran’s Milad Tower. The conference was held based on 14 topics


The Farzan Institute was approved by Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office as a “Productive & Industrial Knowledge Based Company”

After passing the audit and evaluation process conducted by the experts from Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office – The working group for evaluation, recognition and supervision of competencies of knowledge based institutes – Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology was approved as a “Productive and Industrial Knowledge Based Company” in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This institute, is


Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to Hold Smart Campaigns and Improve Staff Health

Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of conducting smart campaigns and promoting staff health as well as screening and prevention of chronic and non-communicable diseases. The memorandum of cooperation signed by Dr. Ezatollah Alikhani, Director of the Health Center of the Ayandeh Bank and Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of Farzan Institute of


The Online Diabetes Care Course Was Held to Train the Physicians at Isfahan and Qazvin Universities of Medical Sciences

A 40-hour online Diabetes Care Course was held to train 240 general practitioners at Isfahan province and also 169 physicians at Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The aim of this educational course was to provide better understanding about the disease and also implementing effective up-to-date treatments for prevention and management of diabetes and its complications according to the latest medical achievements and guidelines published on


Joining of More Than One Thousand People in The Smart Alzheimer Campaign during The First Three Days of Event

More than one thousand people joined the Smart Alzheimer Campaign it three days after launch. According to the report of public relation of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Smart Alzheimer Campaign celebrates the World Alzheimer Day on September 21, to inform the public about prevention and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in collaboration with the health department of social and cultural affairs


Running In-Service Training Courses for More Than 550 Governmental Employees by Farzan Institute

550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at 550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at Farzan Institute in August. According to the report of public relations of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, during the August of this year, a self-care course of health ambassadors and a course for prevention and control of risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) was held


The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by collaboration of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology

The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by the North Tehran Health Center in collaboration with Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Municipality of 7th district of Tehran and other internal and external organizations on Tuesday and Wednesday (4-5 January 2017). The staff were settled at two buses at 4th, 7th and 8th districts of Tehran and started providing free consultation to the referring people


UNESCO Supports Smart Diabetes Campaign

By signing the memorandum of understanding between Dr. Ali Akbar Mousavi Movahedi, the Head of the UNESCO Chair in interdisciplinary Research in diabetes and the Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, this renown international organization joined to the sponsors of Smart Diabetes Campaign. According to the report of public relations of Smart Diabetes Campaign, the purpose of


The Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Was Approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran

The license of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology for running in-service trainings for health care staff, was re-approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran. Farzan Institute has been licensed for running in-service trainings in health for governmental employees since 2011. The institute has organized and provided in-service training courses to thousands of governmental employees so far. The major part of trainings at


Opening and unveiling of the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR)

A disease reporting system was unveiled by the managers and experts of the University of Medical Sciences, the North Health Center and the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology. The aim of this system was reporting diseases; so it was called the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR) that enables the physicians and other HCPs to record a disease and report it to the competent


Articles Published by Farzan Scientometric Group on Glaucoma in a Renown International Journal

Another article by Farzan Scientometric Group entitles as “The scientometric analysis and mapping of 20 years of glaucoma research” was published in the International Journal of Ophthalmology. This study was conducted following a joint research by Dr. Ramin (from the Eye Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Farzan Scientometric Group (Faradan) that was published in October 2018 in the International Journal


Farzan Electronic Newsletter: the First Electronic Newsletter for Research in Iran

Farzan electronic newsletter is the first of its kind to address research in Iran. It is sent on a monthly basis for medical researchers in Iran and abroad. The first newsletter was published in January 2006 in 800 copies. After 6 years, the newsletter is currently being circulated in 70,000 copies. The diverse sections of the newsletter include interviews with experts of medical sciences, analytical


Farzan News: Farzan Institute selected as the top entrepreneur and awarded the golden beam award for entrepreneurship by EMIC Tech

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the field of information and communications technology in the first national congress of Entrepreneurship Management in Information and Communications Technology (EMIC Tech 2012). In this congress, Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of the Farzan Institute, was awarded the Golden Beam statuette of entrepreneurship. In the first national congress of entrepreneurship in information


Awarding the Medal of Supporting National Production to CEO of Farzan Institute in the Festival of Iranian Products

In the year labeled National Production and Support of Iranian Labor and Capital, the products of the institute in the domain of information technology (especially Faradata clinical Data Management Platform and Farasa – system of electronic education and evaluation) were presented in the festival of Iranian product and Dr. Gholamreza Habibi was acknowledged as the top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Science,


National Corporations Festival

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was acknowledged as the top manager in the National Corporations Festival and received a certificate of honors and the conference’s statuette. The conference was held on October 5, 2012 in the Conference Hall of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The conference abstract booklet offered a report of


News: Hemayat Daily interviews Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research

Hemayat Daily introduced Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research in an elaborate interview. The interview presents him as an innovative physician, the founder of the first Iranian clinical research organization, and entrepreneurship analyst. The headline in Hemayat Daily reads, “Clinical Research Organization: the Missing Link of Pharmaceutical Industries in iran” above a comprehensive report of the CEO of Farzan Clinical Research.


News: The number of articles published by Farzan in prestigious international journals exceeded 400.

The number of articles published in affiliation with Farzan Institute for Clinical Research in prestigious international journals exceeded 400. In September 2012, Farzan managed to have 12 articles accepted for publication in prestigious international journals. Two articles have been published in journals with double-digit impact factors in this year alone. It must be noted that as the pioneer of the scientific writing service provider in


Farzan Clinical Research manages a phase III B RCT in Iran for Merck Serono

According to the contract between Farzan Clinical Research and Clintec International, Farzan Clinical Research would manage the Iranian sites for a study on infertility sponsored by Merck Serono. This is a phase IIIB interventional multicenter and multinational study. Royan Institute, one of the most famous research centers in Iran, would recruit the patients. Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education – FDA has also approved the study. FDA National Ethics Committee and


News: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, in live television program of News Channel

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Clinical Research Institute and top national entrepreneur, attended the live morning news feed of the National News Channel at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 29 to present the achievements of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, discuss the issue of entrepreneurship in Iran, and answer the questions of the callers. Dr. Habibi referred to the achievements


Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, was acknowledged at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers

The products and services provided by Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology, were appreciated at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers with a statuette of innovation. The festival was held on July 7 in the Conventions Hall of the National Radio and Television Organization. It is noteworthy that ever since its establishment, Farzan Institute has consistently prioritized innovations in


Farzan Clinical Research provides scientific writing service to Novo Nordisk, a Danish Pharmaceutical company.

Farzan Clinical Research and Novo Nordisk signed a contract. According to this contract, Farzan Clinical Research provides medical and scientific writing services to Novonordisk. The major topic is about Diabetes Type II. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 89 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in


“How I Succeeded” Conference in the university of economical studies

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology and top national entrepreneur was invited by the university of economical studies to deliver a speech on entrepreneurship in the conference of “How I succeeded”. The conference also acknowledged his achievements in the field of entrepreneurship. The second conference of “How I succeeded” was held in the Payambar Azam hall of


Top Iranian Entrepreneur Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was selected the Top Iranian Entrepreneur in 2011.

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the service sector in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011. Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the founder and CEO of the institute, was thereby awarded a certificate of honor and the festival’s statuette by President of Islamic Republic of Iran. The festival was held on July 25 in Shahid


Farzan: Top Knowledge-Based Entrepreneur in 2011

Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011 and received the festivals certificate of honor and statuette. The Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs was held on July 25 by the Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs of Tehran province. Out of 18 entrepreneurs who found


Faradata: System for online management of clinical information

In order to provide data management services, Farzan Institute has developed and provided the system for management of clinical information – Faradata. The online electronic system started functioning in 2009 and currently hosts numerous research projects. Faradata constitutes the first system of electronic and online management of clinical data with web-based software for electronic data capture (EDC) and information management in epidemiologic and clinical studies.


Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis Service to Roche Pharma Company

Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis and Protocol writing Services to Iranian Branch of Roche Pharmaceutica Company – Akbarieh Company. The main fields of the studies are Gastric Cancer and Lung Cancer. Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Clinical Research Organization (CRO). Farzan Clinical Research is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry.


Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran.

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran. They have signed a contract and will soon begin the registry in 5 major Iranian hospitals. The Outcomes in Patients with TIA and Cerebrovascular disease (OPTIC) registry with the registration number of CLOPI_R_01789, recruits patients for secondary prevention of stroke. Five clinical sites are located in Tehran and Mashhad, including Hazrat-e-Rasul Hospital, Sina Hospital,


ISMAR in Iran by Farzan Clinical Research: a new cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis signed a contract to run a new survey on Allergic Rhinitis in Iran. Farzan Clinical Research will launch “ISMAR -International Survey on the Management of Allergic Rhinitis by Physicians and Patients” in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical company. ISMAR with the registration number of : DIREG_R_02676, is an international, multicenter, non–interventional cross-sectional study focused on management of Allergic Rhinitis. Farzan


Farzan Clinical Research monitors BRIDGE Screening Programme in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis

Bridge Screening Programme of Frequency of Bipolar Disorders in Patients with a Major Depressive Episode with or without Certain Psychiatric Comorbid Conditions” with registration number of DIREG_R_3653, is the new field of cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research. Farzan will monitor the study in a number of Iranian clinical sites. This study is aimed to provide an estimate of the frequency of bipolar disorders


Farzan Clinical Research monitors Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis in Iran.

According to a new contract between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research, Farzan will monitor Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi. Sanofi-Aventis is a French multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Paris, France, the world’s fourth-largest by prescription sales. Sanofi engages in the research and development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical products for sale principally in the prescription market, but the firm also develops over-the-counter medication. The company


ACCESS registry in Iran: Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is now in cooperation with Sanofi-Aventis for Monitoring ACCESS registry in two major Iranian Heart Centers, including Tehran Heart Center and Shahid Rajai Heart Hospital. “ACCESS – Acute Coronary Events: A Multinational survey of current management strategies” with registration number of DIREG_R_01959, is sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis Paris – France to evaluate risk stratification, current management and one year outcomes in patients with


Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Contract Research Organization (CRO). Our full-service CRO is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry. After 10 years experience in providing medical research services as Farzan Science, Research & Technology Institute , Farzan Clinical Research was founded in Feb 2008 as the first Iranian registered CRO


Beginning to implement the plan to use large linguistic models (LLMs) for screening and patient selection in clinical trials (RCTs).

  The Farzan Artificial Intelligence Team (FAIT) has started implementing a research project on the use of large language models (LLM) for patient screening and selection in randomised clinical trials (RCT). In this project, approximately 167,000 patients will be screened and evaluated using large language models to determine the function of the models in patient screening and selection. In the continuation of this plan, efforts will be made to develop

مشاهده خبر

New version of Farzan Clinical Research English website

Farzan Clinical Research Organization has started its work since 2008. This center is the first Iranian clinical research organization. Clinical research organizations (CROs) are contractors for drug studies, clinical trials (including phases 1 to 4 of clinical trials), and registry and epidemiologic studies for pharmaceutical companies. Farzan Clinical Research Organization is approved by the Food and Drug Organization. The major research and business partners of this institute have been the

مشاهده خبر

The multimedia and online training content of “Every House is a Health Centre”, including 22 training courses, was presented.

  “Multimedia training courses of every house is a health base” is a set of 22 training courses, consisting of 100 hours, online in the form of multimedia training courses, short training videos and special tests for each course. s The target group is family health ambassadors. This program has been approved by the Ministry of Health and is used by medical universities in the country. The family health ambassador

مشاهده خبر

The Fitasa application was approved by the Ministry of Health and was introduced to medical universities for use.

  According to current estimates, around 60% of people are sedentary. The Non-Communicable Diseases Control Centre of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education has introduced the mobile application “Fitasa: Physical Activity and Smart Fitness” to medical universities for introduction and use by the general public. Based on this, Fitasa will be introduced to the public by the universities of medical sciences. Now, the universities of medical sciences have

مشاهده خبر

The smart smoking cessation program (Doodbas) was included in the guideline for Tehran Municipality’s Anti-Tobacco Week.

The Smart Smoking Cessation Program (Doodbas) has been officially included in the guidelines for the Tehran Anti-Tobacco Week. The week of fighting tobacco is held every year in June, during which anti-tobacco campaigns are carried out in cooperation with various institutions. Previously, in February 2018, the implementation of the pilot program of the smoking cessation smart program was approved by the Tehran Council of the City Without Tobacco in Tehran

مشاهده خبر

Approval of Farzan Institute as a knowledge-based ‘export’ company by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Following the evaluation and audit conducted by the Presidential Science and Technology Deputy, the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development was confirmed as an ‘Export-Based Knowledge Company’ in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The institute is particularly active in the field of smart health and clinical research. Last year, the qualification of Farzan Institute as a “Knowledge-Based Industrial Production Company” was approved by the Vice

مشاهده خبر

The release of 5 mobile applications by Farzan Institute at App Store in the last month.

  In the last month, 5 of the institution’s mobile health applications have been launched in Cafe Bazaar app store. These applications include child development, mental health, healthy heart, diabetes and smoking cessation applications. The features of the applications are as follows: 1. A roadmap with a series of stations to guide the user. 2. Assessment and intelligent feedback to the user 3. Remote advice to the user 4. Multimedia

مشاهده خبر

The qualification of the Farzan Institute for Health Education has been approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organisation.

In addition to the renewal of the Institute’s license, the qualification of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development for the in-service training of government employees in the field of health was once again approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organization. Since 2013, Farzan Institute has been licensed to train government employees in the field of health. So far, this institution has organised training courses for thousands of

مشاهده خبر

Launch of the new version of the “Hooma: Smart Health Care” system for registration and management of health information

“Hooma; “Intelligent health care” including new and innovative advanced facilities was unveiled. This system is one of the set of digital health software systems that is offered by Farzan Institute under the brand “Salemsa: Smart Health” and it consists of 14 software systems and 7 mobile applications. So far, tens of thousands of people have entered their data in this system. Hooma is a smart and powerful system for designing

مشاهده خبر

Attendance of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology at the First International Digital Health Event (THL)

Farzan Institute attended at the first international digital health event by presenting its products and services in the field of smart health. In this event that was held by attending startup managers as well as a group of governmental managers, Farzan Institute introduced a collection of software called “Salemsa: Smart Health”. Moreover, for the first time, Farzan Institute unveiled an application of “Healthy Heart” and a smart roadmap for cardiovascular

مشاهده خبر

Introducing Farzan Institute Achievements in Smart Health Services at Women’s and Family Health Congress

Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology presented its achievements in smart health by taking a booth next to the second congress of Women’s and Family Health. This Congress was held by the Iranian Association of Midwifery and with the presence of 2000 people on 1-3 August this year in the conference hall of Tehran’s Milad Tower. The conference was held based on 14 topics in the field of women

مشاهده خبر

The Farzan Institute was approved by Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office as a “Productive & Industrial Knowledge Based Company”

After passing the audit and evaluation process conducted by the experts from Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office – The working group for evaluation, recognition and supervision of competencies of knowledge based institutes – Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology was approved as a “Productive and Industrial Knowledge Based Company” in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This institute, is specifically active in the field

مشاهده خبر

Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to Hold Smart Campaigns and Improve Staff Health

Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of conducting smart campaigns and promoting staff health as well as screening and prevention of chronic and non-communicable diseases. The memorandum of cooperation signed by Dr. Ezatollah Alikhani, Director of the Health Center of the Ayandeh Bank and Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology. According

مشاهده خبر

The Online Diabetes Care Course Was Held to Train the Physicians at Isfahan and Qazvin Universities of Medical Sciences

A 40-hour online Diabetes Care Course was held to train 240 general practitioners at Isfahan province and also 169 physicians at Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The aim of this educational course was to provide better understanding about the disease and also implementing effective up-to-date treatments for prevention and management of diabetes and its complications according to the latest medical achievements and guidelines published on 2016. This course was planned

مشاهده خبر

Joining of More Than One Thousand People in The Smart Alzheimer Campaign during The First Three Days of Event

More than one thousand people joined the Smart Alzheimer Campaign it three days after launch. According to the report of public relation of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Smart Alzheimer Campaign celebrates the World Alzheimer Day on September 21, to inform the public about prevention and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in collaboration with the health department of social and cultural affairs of the 6th district of

مشاهده خبر

Running In-Service Training Courses for More Than 550 Governmental Employees by Farzan Institute

550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at 550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at Farzan Institute in August. According to the report of public relations of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, during the August of this year, a self-care course of health ambassadors and a course for prevention and control of risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) was held by Farzan Institute for 550

مشاهده خبر

The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by collaboration of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology

The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by the North Tehran Health Center in collaboration with Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Municipality of 7th district of Tehran and other internal and external organizations on Tuesday and Wednesday (4-5 January 2017). The staff were settled at two buses at 4th, 7th and 8th districts of Tehran and started providing free consultation to the referring people about healthy nutrition. They also

مشاهده خبر

UNESCO Supports Smart Diabetes Campaign

By signing the memorandum of understanding between Dr. Ali Akbar Mousavi Movahedi, the Head of the UNESCO Chair in interdisciplinary Research in diabetes and the Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, this renown international organization joined to the sponsors of Smart Diabetes Campaign. According to the report of public relations of Smart Diabetes Campaign, the purpose of signing this memorandum for cooperation,

مشاهده خبر

The Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Was Approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran

The license of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology for running in-service trainings for health care staff, was re-approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran. Farzan Institute has been licensed for running in-service trainings in health for governmental employees since 2011. The institute has organized and provided in-service training courses to thousands of governmental employees so far. The major part of trainings at this institute are being done

مشاهده خبر

Opening and unveiling of the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR)

A disease reporting system was unveiled by the managers and experts of the University of Medical Sciences, the North Health Center and the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology. The aim of this system was reporting diseases; so it was called the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR) that enables the physicians and other HCPs to record a disease and report it to the competent authorities, especially the health center

مشاهده خبر

Articles Published by Farzan Scientometric Group on Glaucoma in a Renown International Journal

Another article by Farzan Scientometric Group entitles as “The scientometric analysis and mapping of 20 years of glaucoma research” was published in the International Journal of Ophthalmology. This study was conducted following a joint research by Dr. Ramin (from the Eye Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Farzan Scientometric Group (Faradan) that was published in October 2018 in the International Journal of Ophthalmology, that is one

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Electronic Newsletter: the First Electronic Newsletter for Research in Iran

Farzan electronic newsletter is the first of its kind to address research in Iran. It is sent on a monthly basis for medical researchers in Iran and abroad. The first newsletter was published in January 2006 in 800 copies. After 6 years, the newsletter is currently being circulated in 70,000 copies. The diverse sections of the newsletter include interviews with experts of medical sciences, analytical papers, educational articles, and research

مشاهده خبر

Farzan News: Farzan Institute selected as the top entrepreneur and awarded the golden beam award for entrepreneurship by EMIC Tech

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the field of information and communications technology in the first national congress of Entrepreneurship Management in Information and Communications Technology (EMIC Tech 2012). In this congress, Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of the Farzan Institute, was awarded the Golden Beam statuette of entrepreneurship. In the first national congress of entrepreneurship in information and communications technology, Farzan Institute

مشاهده خبر

Awarding the Medal of Supporting National Production to CEO of Farzan Institute in the Festival of Iranian Products

In the year labeled National Production and Support of Iranian Labor and Capital, the products of the institute in the domain of information technology (especially Faradata clinical Data Management Platform and Farasa – system of electronic education and evaluation) were presented in the festival of Iranian product and Dr. Gholamreza Habibi was acknowledged as the top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology and awarded

مشاهده خبر

National Corporations Festival

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was acknowledged as the top manager in the National Corporations Festival and received a certificate of honors and the conference’s statuette. The conference was held on October 5, 2012 in the Conference Hall of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The conference abstract booklet offered a report of Farzan Institute’s activities. The report

مشاهده خبر

News: Hemayat Daily interviews Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research

Hemayat Daily introduced Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research in an elaborate interview. The interview presents him as an innovative physician, the founder of the first Iranian clinical research organization, and entrepreneurship analyst. The headline in Hemayat Daily reads, “Clinical Research Organization: the Missing Link of Pharmaceutical Industries in iran” above a comprehensive report of the CEO of Farzan Clinical Research. Excerpts from the report read,

مشاهده خبر

News: The number of articles published by Farzan in prestigious international journals exceeded 400.

The number of articles published in affiliation with Farzan Institute for Clinical Research in prestigious international journals exceeded 400. In September 2012, Farzan managed to have 12 articles accepted for publication in prestigious international journals. Two articles have been published in journals with double-digit impact factors in this year alone. It must be noted that as the pioneer of the scientific writing service provider in Iran, Farzan has successfully published

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research manages a phase III B RCT in Iran for Merck Serono

According to the contract between Farzan Clinical Research and Clintec International, Farzan Clinical Research would manage the Iranian sites for a study on infertility sponsored by Merck Serono. This is a phase IIIB interventional multicenter and multinational study. Royan Institute, one of the most famous research centers in Iran, would recruit the patients. Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education – FDA has also approved the study. FDA National Ethics Committee and Royan Institutional Ethics Committee have

مشاهده خبر

News: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, in live television program of News Channel

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Clinical Research Institute and top national entrepreneur, attended the live morning news feed of the National News Channel at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 29 to present the achievements of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, discuss the issue of entrepreneurship in Iran, and answer the questions of the callers. Dr. Habibi referred to the achievements of Farzan Institute and stated,

مشاهده خبر

Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, was acknowledged at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers

The products and services provided by Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology, were appreciated at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers with a statuette of innovation. The festival was held on July 7 in the Conventions Hall of the National Radio and Television Organization. It is noteworthy that ever since its establishment, Farzan Institute has consistently prioritized innovations in its activities. The institute founded

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Farzan Clinical Research provides scientific writing service to Novo Nordisk, a Danish Pharmaceutical company.

Farzan Clinical Research and Novo Nordisk signed a contract. According to this contract, Farzan Clinical Research provides medical and scientific writing services to Novonordisk. The major topic is about Diabetes Type II. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 89 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately

مشاهده خبر

“How I Succeeded” Conference in the university of economical studies

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology and top national entrepreneur was invited by the university of economical studies to deliver a speech on entrepreneurship in the conference of “How I succeeded”. The conference also acknowledged his achievements in the field of entrepreneurship. The second conference of “How I succeeded” was held in the Payambar Azam hall of the university of economical studies

مشاهده خبر

Top Iranian Entrepreneur Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was selected the Top Iranian Entrepreneur in 2011.

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the service sector in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011. Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the founder and CEO of the institute, was thereby awarded a certificate of honor and the festival’s statuette by President of Islamic Republic of Iran. The festival was held on July 25 in Shahid Beheshti Conference Hall at the

مشاهده خبر

Farzan: Top Knowledge-Based Entrepreneur in 2011

Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011 and received the festivals certificate of honor and statuette. The Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs was held on July 25 by the Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs of Tehran province. Out of 18 entrepreneurs who found their way into the finals,

مشاهده خبر

Faradata: System for online management of clinical information

In order to provide data management services, Farzan Institute has developed and provided the system for management of clinical information – Faradata. The online electronic system started functioning in 2009 and currently hosts numerous research projects. Faradata constitutes the first system of electronic and online management of clinical data with web-based software for electronic data capture (EDC) and information management in epidemiologic and clinical studies. It has been technically approved

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis Service to Roche Pharma Company

Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis and Protocol writing Services to Iranian Branch of Roche Pharmaceutica Company – Akbarieh Company. The main fields of the studies are Gastric Cancer and Lung Cancer. Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Clinical Research Organization (CRO). Farzan Clinical Research is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry. After 10 years experience in

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran.

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran. They have signed a contract and will soon begin the registry in 5 major Iranian hospitals. The Outcomes in Patients with TIA and Cerebrovascular disease (OPTIC) registry with the registration number of CLOPI_R_01789, recruits patients for secondary prevention of stroke. Five clinical sites are located in Tehran and Mashhad, including Hazrat-e-Rasul Hospital, Sina Hospital, Shariati Hospital, Loghman Hospital and

مشاهده خبر

ISMAR in Iran by Farzan Clinical Research: a new cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis signed a contract to run a new survey on Allergic Rhinitis in Iran. Farzan Clinical Research will launch “ISMAR -International Survey on the Management of Allergic Rhinitis by Physicians and Patients” in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical company. ISMAR with the registration number of : DIREG_R_02676, is an international, multicenter, non–interventional cross-sectional study focused on management of Allergic Rhinitis. Farzan Clinical Research manages this study

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research monitors BRIDGE Screening Programme in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis

Bridge Screening Programme of Frequency of Bipolar Disorders in Patients with a Major Depressive Episode with or without Certain Psychiatric Comorbid Conditions” with registration number of DIREG_R_3653, is the new field of cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research. Farzan will monitor the study in a number of Iranian clinical sites. This study is aimed to provide an estimate of the frequency of bipolar disorders in patients with the diagnosis

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research monitors Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis in Iran.

According to a new contract between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research, Farzan will monitor Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi. Sanofi-Aventis is a French multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Paris, France, the world’s fourth-largest by prescription sales. Sanofi engages in the research and development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical products for sale principally in the prescription market, but the firm also develops over-the-counter medication. The company covers 7 major therapeutic areas:

مشاهده خبر

ACCESS registry in Iran: Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is now in cooperation with Sanofi-Aventis for Monitoring ACCESS registry in two major Iranian Heart Centers, including Tehran Heart Center and Shahid Rajai Heart Hospital. “ACCESS – Acute Coronary Events: A Multinational survey of current management strategies” with registration number of DIREG_R_01959, is sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis Paris – France to evaluate risk stratification, current management and one year outcomes in patients with unstable angina. This study has

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Contract Research Organization (CRO). Our full-service CRO is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry. After 10 years experience in providing medical research services as Farzan Science, Research & Technology Institute , Farzan Clinical Research was founded in Feb 2008 as the first Iranian registered CRO and now offering Clinical Trial

مشاهده خبر

Beginning to implement the plan to use large linguistic models (LLMs) for screening and patient selection in clinical trials (RCTs).

  The Farzan Artificial Intelligence Team (FAIT) has started implementing a research project on the use of large language models (LLM) for patient screening and selection in randomised clinical trials (RCT). In this project, approximately 167,000 patients will be screened and evaluated using large language models to determine the function of the models in patient screening and selection. In the continuation of this plan, efforts will be made to develop

مشاهده خبر

New version of Farzan Clinical Research English website

Farzan Clinical Research Organization has started its work since 2008. This center is the first Iranian clinical research organization. Clinical research organizations (CROs) are contractors for drug studies, clinical trials (including phases 1 to 4 of clinical trials), and registry and epidemiologic studies for pharmaceutical companies. Farzan Clinical Research Organization is approved by the Food and Drug Organization. The major research and business partners of this institute have been the

مشاهده خبر

The multimedia and online training content of “Every House is a Health Centre”, including 22 training courses, was presented.

  “Multimedia training courses of every house is a health base” is a set of 22 training courses, consisting of 100 hours, online in the form of multimedia training courses, short training videos and special tests for each course. s The target group is family health ambassadors. This program has been approved by the Ministry of Health and is used by medical universities in the country. The family health ambassador

مشاهده خبر

The Fitasa application was approved by the Ministry of Health and was introduced to medical universities for use.

  According to current estimates, around 60% of people are sedentary. The Non-Communicable Diseases Control Centre of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education has introduced the mobile application “Fitasa: Physical Activity and Smart Fitness” to medical universities for introduction and use by the general public. Based on this, Fitasa will be introduced to the public by the universities of medical sciences. Now, the universities of medical sciences have

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The smart smoking cessation program (Doodbas) was included in the guideline for Tehran Municipality’s Anti-Tobacco Week.

The Smart Smoking Cessation Program (Doodbas) has been officially included in the guidelines for the Tehran Anti-Tobacco Week. The week of fighting tobacco is held every year in June, during which anti-tobacco campaigns are carried out in cooperation with various institutions. Previously, in February 2018, the implementation of the pilot program of the smoking cessation smart program was approved by the Tehran Council of the City Without Tobacco in Tehran

مشاهده خبر

Approval of Farzan Institute as a knowledge-based ‘export’ company by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Following the evaluation and audit conducted by the Presidential Science and Technology Deputy, the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development was confirmed as an ‘Export-Based Knowledge Company’ in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The institute is particularly active in the field of smart health and clinical research. Last year, the qualification of Farzan Institute as a “Knowledge-Based Industrial Production Company” was approved by the Vice

مشاهده خبر

The release of 5 mobile applications by Farzan Institute at App Store in the last month.

  In the last month, 5 of the institution’s mobile health applications have been launched in Cafe Bazaar app store. These applications include child development, mental health, healthy heart, diabetes and smoking cessation applications. The features of the applications are as follows: 1. A roadmap with a series of stations to guide the user. 2. Assessment and intelligent feedback to the user 3. Remote advice to the user 4. Multimedia

مشاهده خبر

The qualification of the Farzan Institute for Health Education has been approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organisation.

In addition to the renewal of the Institute’s license, the qualification of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Development for the in-service training of government employees in the field of health was once again approved by the Iranian Program and Budget Organization. Since 2013, Farzan Institute has been licensed to train government employees in the field of health. So far, this institution has organised training courses for thousands of

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Launch of the new version of the “Hooma: Smart Health Care” system for registration and management of health information

“Hooma; “Intelligent health care” including new and innovative advanced facilities was unveiled. This system is one of the set of digital health software systems that is offered by Farzan Institute under the brand “Salemsa: Smart Health” and it consists of 14 software systems and 7 mobile applications. So far, tens of thousands of people have entered their data in this system. Hooma is a smart and powerful system for designing

مشاهده خبر

Attendance of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology at the First International Digital Health Event (THL)

Farzan Institute attended at the first international digital health event by presenting its products and services in the field of smart health. In this event that was held by attending startup managers as well as a group of governmental managers, Farzan Institute introduced a collection of software called “Salemsa: Smart Health”. Moreover, for the first time, Farzan Institute unveiled an application of “Healthy Heart” and a smart roadmap for cardiovascular

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Introducing Farzan Institute Achievements in Smart Health Services at Women’s and Family Health Congress

Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology presented its achievements in smart health by taking a booth next to the second congress of Women’s and Family Health. This Congress was held by the Iranian Association of Midwifery and with the presence of 2000 people on 1-3 August this year in the conference hall of Tehran’s Milad Tower. The conference was held based on 14 topics in the field of women

مشاهده خبر

The Farzan Institute was approved by Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office as a “Productive & Industrial Knowledge Based Company”

After passing the audit and evaluation process conducted by the experts from Deputy of Science and Technology of President Office – The working group for evaluation, recognition and supervision of competencies of knowledge based institutes – Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology was approved as a “Productive and Industrial Knowledge Based Company” in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This institute, is specifically active in the field

مشاهده خبر

Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to Hold Smart Campaigns and Improve Staff Health

Ayandeh Bank and Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of conducting smart campaigns and promoting staff health as well as screening and prevention of chronic and non-communicable diseases. The memorandum of cooperation signed by Dr. Ezatollah Alikhani, Director of the Health Center of the Ayandeh Bank and Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology. According

مشاهده خبر

The Online Diabetes Care Course Was Held to Train the Physicians at Isfahan and Qazvin Universities of Medical Sciences

A 40-hour online Diabetes Care Course was held to train 240 general practitioners at Isfahan province and also 169 physicians at Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The aim of this educational course was to provide better understanding about the disease and also implementing effective up-to-date treatments for prevention and management of diabetes and its complications according to the latest medical achievements and guidelines published on 2016. This course was planned

مشاهده خبر

Joining of More Than One Thousand People in The Smart Alzheimer Campaign during The First Three Days of Event

More than one thousand people joined the Smart Alzheimer Campaign it three days after launch. According to the report of public relation of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Smart Alzheimer Campaign celebrates the World Alzheimer Day on September 21, to inform the public about prevention and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in collaboration with the health department of social and cultural affairs of the 6th district of

مشاهده خبر

Running In-Service Training Courses for More Than 550 Governmental Employees by Farzan Institute

550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at 550 employees of Governmental organizations passed in-service training at Farzan Institute in August. According to the report of public relations of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, during the August of this year, a self-care course of health ambassadors and a course for prevention and control of risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) was held by Farzan Institute for 550

مشاهده خبر

The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by collaboration of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology

The Nutrition Campaign was implemented by the North Tehran Health Center in collaboration with Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, the Municipality of 7th district of Tehran and other internal and external organizations on Tuesday and Wednesday (4-5 January 2017). The staff were settled at two buses at 4th, 7th and 8th districts of Tehran and started providing free consultation to the referring people about healthy nutrition. They also

مشاهده خبر

UNESCO Supports Smart Diabetes Campaign

By signing the memorandum of understanding between Dr. Ali Akbar Mousavi Movahedi, the Head of the UNESCO Chair in interdisciplinary Research in diabetes and the Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, this renown international organization joined to the sponsors of Smart Diabetes Campaign. According to the report of public relations of Smart Diabetes Campaign, the purpose of signing this memorandum for cooperation,

مشاهده خبر

The Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology Was Approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran

The license of Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology for running in-service trainings for health care staff, was re-approved by Management and Planning Organization of Iran. Farzan Institute has been licensed for running in-service trainings in health for governmental employees since 2011. The institute has organized and provided in-service training courses to thousands of governmental employees so far. The major part of trainings at this institute are being done

مشاهده خبر

Opening and unveiling of the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR)

A disease reporting system was unveiled by the managers and experts of the University of Medical Sciences, the North Health Center and the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology. The aim of this system was reporting diseases; so it was called the Iranian Disease Reporting System (IRDR) that enables the physicians and other HCPs to record a disease and report it to the competent authorities, especially the health center

مشاهده خبر

Articles Published by Farzan Scientometric Group on Glaucoma in a Renown International Journal

Another article by Farzan Scientometric Group entitles as “The scientometric analysis and mapping of 20 years of glaucoma research” was published in the International Journal of Ophthalmology. This study was conducted following a joint research by Dr. Ramin (from the Eye Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Farzan Scientometric Group (Faradan) that was published in October 2018 in the International Journal of Ophthalmology, that is one

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Electronic Newsletter: the First Electronic Newsletter for Research in Iran

Farzan electronic newsletter is the first of its kind to address research in Iran. It is sent on a monthly basis for medical researchers in Iran and abroad. The first newsletter was published in January 2006 in 800 copies. After 6 years, the newsletter is currently being circulated in 70,000 copies. The diverse sections of the newsletter include interviews with experts of medical sciences, analytical papers, educational articles, and research

مشاهده خبر

Farzan News: Farzan Institute selected as the top entrepreneur and awarded the golden beam award for entrepreneurship by EMIC Tech

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the field of information and communications technology in the first national congress of Entrepreneurship Management in Information and Communications Technology (EMIC Tech 2012). In this congress, Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of the Farzan Institute, was awarded the Golden Beam statuette of entrepreneurship. In the first national congress of entrepreneurship in information and communications technology, Farzan Institute

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Awarding the Medal of Supporting National Production to CEO of Farzan Institute in the Festival of Iranian Products

In the year labeled National Production and Support of Iranian Labor and Capital, the products of the institute in the domain of information technology (especially Faradata clinical Data Management Platform and Farasa – system of electronic education and evaluation) were presented in the festival of Iranian product and Dr. Gholamreza Habibi was acknowledged as the top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology and awarded

مشاهده خبر

National Corporations Festival

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, top national entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was acknowledged as the top manager in the National Corporations Festival and received a certificate of honors and the conference’s statuette. The conference was held on October 5, 2012 in the Conference Hall of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The conference abstract booklet offered a report of Farzan Institute’s activities. The report

مشاهده خبر

News: Hemayat Daily interviews Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research

Hemayat Daily introduced Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the top Iranian entrepreneur and CEO of Farzan Clinical Research in an elaborate interview. The interview presents him as an innovative physician, the founder of the first Iranian clinical research organization, and entrepreneurship analyst. The headline in Hemayat Daily reads, “Clinical Research Organization: the Missing Link of Pharmaceutical Industries in iran” above a comprehensive report of the CEO of Farzan Clinical Research. Excerpts from the report read,

مشاهده خبر

News: The number of articles published by Farzan in prestigious international journals exceeded 400.

The number of articles published in affiliation with Farzan Institute for Clinical Research in prestigious international journals exceeded 400. In September 2012, Farzan managed to have 12 articles accepted for publication in prestigious international journals. Two articles have been published in journals with double-digit impact factors in this year alone. It must be noted that as the pioneer of the scientific writing service provider in Iran, Farzan has successfully published

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Farzan Clinical Research manages a phase III B RCT in Iran for Merck Serono

According to the contract between Farzan Clinical Research and Clintec International, Farzan Clinical Research would manage the Iranian sites for a study on infertility sponsored by Merck Serono. This is a phase IIIB interventional multicenter and multinational study. Royan Institute, one of the most famous research centers in Iran, would recruit the patients. Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education – FDA has also approved the study. FDA National Ethics Committee and Royan Institutional Ethics Committee have

مشاهده خبر

News: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, in live television program of News Channel

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Clinical Research Institute and top national entrepreneur, attended the live morning news feed of the National News Channel at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 29 to present the achievements of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, discuss the issue of entrepreneurship in Iran, and answer the questions of the callers. Dr. Habibi referred to the achievements of Farzan Institute and stated,

مشاهده خبر

Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute, was acknowledged at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers

The products and services provided by Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology, were appreciated at the National Festival of Innovation Pioneers with a statuette of innovation. The festival was held on July 7 in the Conventions Hall of the National Radio and Television Organization. It is noteworthy that ever since its establishment, Farzan Institute has consistently prioritized innovations in its activities. The institute founded

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research provides scientific writing service to Novo Nordisk, a Danish Pharmaceutical company.

Farzan Clinical Research and Novo Nordisk signed a contract. According to this contract, Farzan Clinical Research provides medical and scientific writing services to Novonordisk. The major topic is about Diabetes Type II. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 89 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately

مشاهده خبر

“How I Succeeded” Conference in the university of economical studies

Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology and top national entrepreneur was invited by the university of economical studies to deliver a speech on entrepreneurship in the conference of “How I succeeded”. The conference also acknowledged his achievements in the field of entrepreneurship. The second conference of “How I succeeded” was held in the Payambar Azam hall of the university of economical studies

مشاهده خبر

Top Iranian Entrepreneur Another Success: Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology, was selected the Top Iranian Entrepreneur in 2011.

Farzan Institute for Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the service sector in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011. Dr. Gholamreza Habibi, the founder and CEO of the institute, was thereby awarded a certificate of honor and the festival’s statuette by President of Islamic Republic of Iran. The festival was held on July 25 in Shahid Beheshti Conference Hall at the

مشاهده خبر

Farzan: Top Knowledge-Based Entrepreneur in 2011

Farzan Institute for Advancement of Science, Research and Technology was selected as the top entrepreneur in the Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs in 2011 and received the festivals certificate of honor and statuette. The Sixth National Festival for Appreciating Top Entrepreneurs was held on July 25 by the Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs of Tehran province. Out of 18 entrepreneurs who found their way into the finals,

مشاهده خبر

Faradata: System for online management of clinical information

In order to provide data management services, Farzan Institute has developed and provided the system for management of clinical information – Faradata. The online electronic system started functioning in 2009 and currently hosts numerous research projects. Faradata constitutes the first system of electronic and online management of clinical data with web-based software for electronic data capture (EDC) and information management in epidemiologic and clinical studies. It has been technically approved

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis Service to Roche Pharma Company

Farzan Clinical Research Provides Statistical Analysis and Protocol writing Services to Iranian Branch of Roche Pharmaceutica Company – Akbarieh Company. The main fields of the studies are Gastric Cancer and Lung Cancer. Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Clinical Research Organization (CRO). Farzan Clinical Research is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry. After 10 years experience in

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran.

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis will launch OPTIC registry in Iran. They have signed a contract and will soon begin the registry in 5 major Iranian hospitals. The Outcomes in Patients with TIA and Cerebrovascular disease (OPTIC) registry with the registration number of CLOPI_R_01789, recruits patients for secondary prevention of stroke. Five clinical sites are located in Tehran and Mashhad, including Hazrat-e-Rasul Hospital, Sina Hospital, Shariati Hospital, Loghman Hospital and

مشاهده خبر

ISMAR in Iran by Farzan Clinical Research: a new cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research and Sanofi-Aventis signed a contract to run a new survey on Allergic Rhinitis in Iran. Farzan Clinical Research will launch “ISMAR -International Survey on the Management of Allergic Rhinitis by Physicians and Patients” in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical company. ISMAR with the registration number of : DIREG_R_02676, is an international, multicenter, non–interventional cross-sectional study focused on management of Allergic Rhinitis. Farzan Clinical Research manages this study

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research monitors BRIDGE Screening Programme in Iran, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis

Bridge Screening Programme of Frequency of Bipolar Disorders in Patients with a Major Depressive Episode with or without Certain Psychiatric Comorbid Conditions” with registration number of DIREG_R_3653, is the new field of cooperation between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research. Farzan will monitor the study in a number of Iranian clinical sites. This study is aimed to provide an estimate of the frequency of bipolar disorders in patients with the diagnosis

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research monitors Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis in Iran.

According to a new contract between Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research, Farzan will monitor Oncology Clinical Trials sponsored by Sanofi. Sanofi-Aventis is a French multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Paris, France, the world’s fourth-largest by prescription sales. Sanofi engages in the research and development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical products for sale principally in the prescription market, but the firm also develops over-the-counter medication. The company covers 7 major therapeutic areas:

مشاهده خبر

ACCESS registry in Iran: Sanofi-Aventis and Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is now in cooperation with Sanofi-Aventis for Monitoring ACCESS registry in two major Iranian Heart Centers, including Tehran Heart Center and Shahid Rajai Heart Hospital. “ACCESS – Acute Coronary Events: A Multinational survey of current management strategies” with registration number of DIREG_R_01959, is sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis Paris – France to evaluate risk stratification, current management and one year outcomes in patients with unstable angina. This study has

مشاهده خبر

Farzan Clinical Research

Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Contract Research Organization (CRO). Our full-service CRO is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry. After 10 years experience in providing medical research services as Farzan Science, Research & Technology Institute , Farzan Clinical Research was founded in Feb 2008 as the first Iranian registered CRO and now offering Clinical Trial

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