By signing the memorandum of understanding between Dr. Ali Akbar Mousavi Movahedi, the Head of the UNESCO Chair in interdisciplinary Research in diabetes and the Dr. Gholam Reza Habibi, Director of the Farzan Institute of Science, Research and Technology, this renown international organization joined to the sponsors of Smart Diabetes Campaign. According to the report of public relations of Smart Diabetes Campaign, the purpose of signing this memorandum for cooperation, is to support the development of the joint activities in executing the plans and interdisciplinary programs in diabetes including the creation of necessary infrastructures for smart electronic health and diabetes, especially running the smart diabetes campaigns with focusing on lifestyle changes, prevention of diabetes and its complications in patients. According to the report, other aspects of collaboration include running the common research programs focused on translational research and collaboration for implementing interdisciplinary plans in diabetes, particularly creating the infrastructures of smart electronic health for diabetes prevention. In addition, cooperation in running diabetes workshops, preparing educational programs and scientific gatherings with attendance of famous local and international researchers, publication of scientific research articles, reporting the implementation of joint programs at the local and international level and introducing the interdisciplinary achievements of diabetes in our country, especially in the field of smart health at local and international level are among the other important elements of the agreement. It should be noted that the smart campaign of diabetes has started since February and in the first step will cover the 7th district of Tehran.
UNESCO Supports Smart Diabetes Campaign
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