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Human Resources & Administration

HR Division is committed to making Farzan Clinical Research a great place to work and provide excellent services. It uses all available means and human resources to develop a creative and innovative environment.

HR Division establishes, develops, recognizes, and maintains a qualified education human force to provide quality and timely service to our customers.

This division manages all human resource related functions including contract administration, employee assistance, recruitment, selection, testing, and placement of personnel. It keeps all personnel files and evaluates credentials for employment of professional and support staff.

HR Division also conducts research for a continuous quality improvement in employee related services.

We invite all qualified candidates to share our experience to make a different teamwork in Farzan Clinical Research. For cooperation with Farzan Clinical Research please fill in the following form:

HR Application Form
Staff profile

Managing Director
Gholamreza Habibi, MD

Staff Overview

• 20 full-time employees

• 100 part-time employees

• 80 graduates or postgraduates


Fields of Experience

The major accomplishments of the institute in the field of research include:

1) More than 10 international epidemiologic, clinical research and monitoring studies with well known pharmaceutical companies’ research institutes like Sanofi-Aventis, PATH and Merck.

2) Organizing a research collaboration network in 17 cities of Iran for conducting multi-center research projects.

3) Protocol designing and collaboration to conduct of 2200 clinical and pharmaceutical research studies by now.

4) Providing statistical analysis and research consultation services for hundreds of researchers in Iran.

5) More Than 300 international scholar publication or acceptance and also other 200 submissions to international journals.

6) Establishing a pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research study/research group.

7) Agreements and contracts with several universities, research centers, scientific societies, organizations, pharmaceutical companies and diagnostic and treatments centers in Iran (e.g. Ministry of Health- Deputy of Resarch and Technology, I.R.Iran Medical Council, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Rooyan Institute (Pioneer of stem cell science in the Middle East), Iranian Society of Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology Research Center (Pioneer of Ophthalmology in the Middle East)

Our clinical research and monitoring staff are more experienced in the following fields:

• Cardiology

• Oncology

• Neurology

• Endocrinology

• Respiratory

• Gynecology