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Farzan Clinical Research Report

Farzan Clinical Research Introduction

Farzan Clinical Research is the first Iranian Contract Research Organization (CRO). Our full-service CRO is now an important partner for many Universities, research centers, scientific societies as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry.

After 10 years experience in providing medical research services as Farzan Science, Research & Technology Institute , Farzan Clinical Research was founded in Feb 2008 as the first Iranian registered CRO and now offering Clinical Trial Management, Clinical Trial Monitoring, Data Management, Biostatistics and Medical Writing services. Our focus is on innovative solutions that reduce cost and time for our customers.

Farzan Clinical Research is certified by Ministry of Health and Medical Education- Food and Drug Deputy- Islamic Republic of Iran.


Farzan Clinical Research Report

– Licensed by the Food and Drug Administration to design, execute, and monitor clinical studies and manage multi-center studies

– 12 honorary faculty members and a network of researchers across 17 cities and 25 research centers

– Participated in the implementation of 9 international multi-center epidemiological and clinical studies with over 40 clinical sites and several other domestic projects

– Provided research services and support to individuals and legal entities in drug development, including two Iranian herbal-marine drugs introduced to the market

– Signed 30 international contracts and memoranda of understanding with research institutes and companies in the pharmaceutical and medical fields

– Received an international research grant for cervical cancer vaccine research supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from the USA

– Launched and designed an online training package on clinical research for universities and researchers including courses on:

  – ICH-GCP Standard Clinical Trial Regulations

  – Designing and Writing Clinical Trial



  – Clinical Trial Registration in Databases

  – CONSORT Standards for Clinical Research Reporting

  – Safety Reporting in Clinical Research

  – Clinical Research Monitoring

  – International Considerations in Pharmaceutical Research

  – Ethics in Clinical Research

– Launched a Farsi-language website dedicated to ethics in research and an English-language website for the Farzan Clinical Research Organization

– Developed “Faradata,” a Farsi-language clinical information management software for managing clinical trials



Farzan Science, Research & Technology Institute Report (As the Parent Company of Farzan Clinical Research)


Structural Overview

– Established since 2001

– A knowledge-based company

– Focused in two main areas: Health and Entrepreneurship

– Includes two subsidiaries in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Nanotechnology

– 30 international contracts and memoranda of understanding with partners from Europe, Asia, and Africa, hundreds of publications, and one international grant from the USA

– Thousands of domestic contracts


Fields of Activity

– Information Technology (ICT)

  – Smart Health Solutions

  – E-learning

– Clinical Research Organization

– Entrepreneurship

– Education

– Publishing and Content Production


Accreditations and Licenses

– Vice Presidency for Science and Technology

– Budget and Planning Organization

– Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare

– Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance

– Ministry of Petroleum

– Tehran Municipality



– President of Iran

– Speaker of the Islamic Parliament

– First Vice President

– Minister of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare

– Governor of Tehran

– Director-General of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare of Tehran Province

– President of the University of Tehran

– President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences

– President of the University of Economic Sciences

– Certificates of Appreciation from the Ministry of Health, Medical Science Universities, and Research Centers


Awards and Titles Received

– National Top Entrepreneur

– Top Entrepreneur of Tehran Province

– Top Entrepreneur in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

– Awards in National Production, Innovation, and Cooperation

– Various academic and student book awards

  – University Book of the Year

  – Student Book of the Year

  – Selected Book at Avicenna Festival

  – Selected Book at Hedayat Festival


Following the Title of National Top Entrepreneur

– The CEO of the institute had the honor of speaking in the presence of the Supreme Leader, the President, and the Head of the Expediency Discernment Council on separate occasions focused on knowledge-based entrepreneurship.


Information Technology: E-Learning

– Established Farzan Digital Publishing approved by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance since 2016

– Development of software and creation of the website “Farasa: E-learning and Assessment”

– Achieved Google Page Ranks of 4 and 5

– 240 online multimedia and text-based training courses

– 350,000 online members

– 800 organizations including ministries, universities, research centers, and private companies

– Issued over 500,000 CDs and DVDs across 42 titles in health and entrepreneurship

– Conducted comprehensive online and multimedia training programs for young couples

– Hosted comprehensive online training programs for home health bases, including 22 multimedia courses with exams

– Held specialized online and offline training programs for doctors and other health service providers at six medical universities

– Offered a package of 52 research skill training courses to many medical universities and health research centers


Information Technology: Smart Health

– Developed “Salem Sa” smart health systems, including:

  – 14 mobile health apps

  – 17 web-based applications

  – Created the smart companion health website

  – Designed interactive smart health and lifestyle roadmaps in seven areas:

    – Heart Health

    – Diabetes

    – Mental Health (

    – Sexual Health

    – Nutrition

    – Physical Activity (

    – Smoking Cessation (

    – Child Development (

  – Organized smart health campaigns in collaboration with organizations on topics like heart health, child development, Alzheimer’s, and nutrition

  – Developed an intelligent diagnostic system (web and Telegram-based) analyzing over 110 medical symptoms

  – Designed and produced a prototype for a smart wearable heart monitor



– Established the Farzan Entrepreneurship Consulting Center and provided consulting to entrepreneurs and companies

– Signed 28 memoranda of understanding and cooperation agreements with universities, growth centers, and technology parks, including 8 medical universities

– Held speeches and workshops on entrepreneurship

– Offered online entrepreneurship training through multimedia

– Published 5 entrepreneurship CDs and DVDs

– Published 4 books on entrepreneurship and business management and 3 books ready for publication

– Designed and launched two Android mobile apps

– Designed and offered “Karafar: Smart Business System” at with diverse business features

– Designed and conducted three interactive smart roadmaps:

  – Smart Business Plan Roadmap

  – Smart Business Model Roadmap

  – Entrepreneurial Talent Discovery Roadmap – especially for university entrepreneurs

– Designed and launched an intelligent business assessment system consisting of 57 questionnaires across 11 thematic groups including:

  – Organization and Management Fundamentals

  – Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

  – Organizational Behavior Management

  – Organizational Psychology

  – Human Resource Management

  – Public Affairs and Government Management

  – Business Management

  – Financial Management

  – Industrial Management

  – Knowledge and Information Technology Management

  – Educational Management

– Contributed to the establishment and management of trade and non-governmental entrepreneurship organizations


**In the field of knowledge-based entrepreneurship:**

– Designed a model for establishing an Entrepreneurial University and a pyramid for training entrepreneurs and innovators

– Held speeches and workshops on knowledge-based and academic entrepreneurship

– Published a three-volume series of books on knowledge-based entrepreneurship including:

  – Volume One: Are You an Entrepreneur?

  – Volume Two: Identification, Creation, and Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities

  – Volume Three: Managing Resources and Capital in Entrepreneurship

– Launched an online training course and multimedia CDs on knowledge-based entrepreneurship

– Launched the “Iranian Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurs” website to network and enhance individual skills and networking


Publishing and Content Production

– Established the Farzan Knowledge, Research, and Technology Development Publishing with approval from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance

– Created a specialized center for scientific writing

– Published over 500 articles in international health journals with impact factors up to 24

– Published 14 books from the Farzan Institute and 9 other books by institute colleagues from other publishers, winning multiple awards including University Book of the Year, Student Book of the Year, and selected books at the Avicenna and Hedayat Festivals

– Produced content for 240 training courses in text and multimedia formats

– Created interactive and smart content including 7 smart health roadmaps with over 300 questionnaires accompanied by educational, motivational, and informational messages


**In-Person Trainings:**

– Designed a model for training researchers in medical sciences and conducted programs:

  – For exceptional talent student groups

  – Learning by Doing model

  – Trained 270 people over five consecutive terms

  – Developed and approved 51 research proposals

  – Authored and published numerous articles in domestic and international journals

– Conducted in-service health training for government employees in multiple sessions

– Held research and methodology workshops in multiple sessions

– Previously described electronic training in the relevant section


Role in Social and Professional Arenas

– Representative of entrepreneurs in the National Employment Council

– Member of the Board of Trustees of the Entrepreneur Association of Tehran Province

– Member and Secretary of the National Advisory and Service Centers for Entrepreneurship

– President of the Professional Association of Consulting and Service Centers for Entrepreneurship of Tehran Province

– Founding Member of the Professional Association of Consulting and Service Centers for Entrepreneurship of Tehran Province

– Member of the Employment Commission of Tehran Province – Confederation of Employer Associations of Tehran Province

– Member of the Task Force for Developing the Entrepreneurship Map of the Country

– Member of the Economic Jihad Task Force